Thursday, December 30, 2021

Submissions for AKMG Souvenir 2022

The AKMG 2022 Convention Souvenir Committee is seeking original submissions for publication in the 2022 Annual Souvenir. The overarching theme is: "Positive by choice – we can and we will", intended to reflect on how we collectively stood up against the pandemic. The AKMG 2022 Convention Souvenir Committee is seeking original submissions for publication in the 2022 Annual Souvenir. The overarching theme is: "Positive by choice – we can and we will", intended to reflect on how we collectively stood up against the pandemic. The broad categories of articles include: 1 Medicine/Science related articles . Medical/Science review articles on a topic of interest/relevance to AKMG readers (Kindly avoid scientific manuscripts or case reports more suitable for a peer reviewed journal and please do not submit any pre-published article) . Personal medical experiences with relevance to AKMG readers (kindly try to include the impact of your personal involvement in the patient outcome) . Stories of courage/resilience/positivity 2 Philosophy . Personal glimpses of life . Opinions, ideas . Critiques 3 Literary . Stories: fiction / immigrant stories . Poetry 4 Travelogues with/without photos 5 Humor / cartoon 6 Photography / drawings /paintings Please send your articles by email ( Keep your articles short with a maximum of 1000 words; however, we understand that based on the content, this may occasionally exceed 1000 words. Submissions should include a full-face author photograph (jpeg), personal details including your specialty, practice situation, position held, honors/ achievements, and contact information (e-mail id which may be published with your article if you are agreeable). The editorial committee reserves the right to accept, reject or edit the submissions to match the overall style of presentation.
Dr. Santhosh Thyagu Chair, AKMG 2022 Souvenir Committee

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